
Cl-reexport: symbol reexporting library for common lisp

Cl-reexport is a library to reexport symbols which are external symbols in other packages. It is valuable when virtually construct package hierarchy on Common Lisp standard's flat package system. 


ASDF 3 has similar one-package-per-file facility. The structural difference between them is: 

* Virtual hierarchy packages in this context have one system definition and several packages constituting a hierarchical structure. 

* ASDF 3's one-package-per-file style has hierarchical system definitions and hierarchical packages, which are corresponding each other. 

Since ASDF 3's one-package-per-file style has not been de facto standard yet, there may be some cases where cl-reexport is useful. 

Currently requesting to Quicklisp to register. 

I want your feedback.

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